Just Me – The Importance of Time Alone

Life is busy. It is full of deadlines and appointments and to-do lists. It is also full of people: work people, family people, friends’ people…people and more people. When was the last time you were alone?

All of us need some time alone. Some of us indeed need more than others but we all need some. We need this time to digest & process what is going on in our lives, to formulate plans, to re-charge ourselves, and to, quite simply, slow down. There are many & complex reasons for the stress and burnout we see all around us, but the lack of time-alone is one, and it’s one that deserves more attention & consideration.

Why You Should Find Time to Be Alone With Yourself?

  • It is Important to Enjoy Your Own Company – If you are someone who thinks that person at the corner café reading a book alone is lonely, think again. Being alone can be very meditative, enabling you to just be without having to entertain anyone. When you can learn to be in the moment with yourself, you will be a better friend to others too.
  • Alone Time Encourages Creativity – When you are alone, it is easier to get into a creative space so that you can think of new ways to do things. It is only when you can be alone and centred that you can come up with the best ideas, due to the lack of distractions getting in the way of your thoughts and ideas.
  • It is a Great Way to Recharge – Anytime you are feeling stressed out, try getting at least 10 minutes alone to just breathe. Take a brisk walk. Listen to music. Take a long shower. Do what you can to spend some time alone to revive your mind and body.
  • Enables You to Clear Your Mind – Do you have too much noise in your brain to focus? Go take a few deep breaths alone. It will only take a few moments. It is better if you can find an hour or so a day of alone time but if you cannot, even a few moments to breathe can help you clear your mind.
  • You Can Better Let Go of Stress – Some stress that we experience in life is caused by too much activity, too many people, and too much pressure on your time. If you schedule in alone time, you will find that you deal with that stress while it is happening more efficiently.
  • You Can Do Anything You Want To – The fact is, if you choose an hour a day to spend alone, you can do whatever you want with that time. You can sit there and stare at the wall without judgement, or you can meditate, take a walk, exercise, or even watch your favourite TV show without interruption. It is totally up to you how you spend your alone time.

Many people get into the habit (trap?) of being with people more and more of the time until we have no alone-time. This might be due to guilt, pressure from family & friends, the nature of work, etc. Often it is simply a habit we have got used to. But when you think about it, do you not see the value and importance, and the shortage, of some “just me” time?

Here are some ways you might create some me-time:

  • Understand that you are in charge of your time. Nobody else.
  • Diarise some quiet time (visit a museum, a library, a park).
  • Include quiet time in your family’s daily routine.
  • Take a long, relaxing hot bath.
  • Close your office door for half an hour and collect your thoughts.
  • Find ways to be alone at home, for example, retire to bed earlier than your partner, find a secluded corner of your house or garden. Listen to a beautiful piece of music with your earphones on.
  • Use waiting times, for example waiting for children to be fetched from school or waiting for a doctor’s appointment. You will be amazed at your thoughts and cerebral meanderings if you start to look deep inside.
  • Keep a pen and notepad handy to jot down your thoughts. If it remains unused, take this as a sign that you are not taking enough time out for you.
  • Wake up a half an hour earlier than everyone else in your house and use the time to create, produce, meditate, or whatever makes you happy.
  • Disconnect – set aside time each day to unplug from all the ways you connect with others. Turn off your cell phone, internet, TV, etc.

There are enormous benefits to spending time alone. It does not have to be lonely. There does not need and should not be activity continuously happening with tons of people around at all times. Human beings are not built to always be "on". Sometimes we need to shut down - and not just at bedtime. If you want to be healthier, happier, and a more well-rounded person, try to schedule in alone time each day.